Wednesday 31 December 2014

Planking the Decks and Scrubbing Up

Ahoy me mateys,

It's been a little while since my last message, but my oh my have we been busy. The bi-pods have been working like the scurvy dogs...which is ironic coming from me. So here's an update from pirates corner.

We got an early start to the week after stopping for some supplies. Nice to be carried in luxury!

 I helped out with the painting by standing guard against paint thieves...there's one!

Of course after a tough day's work it's best to relax for a while and soak up some summer.

Never much to rest for the piratical though. Next up was our big flooring project. The decking of their new home was exciting. Like good pirates they've gone for rough-sawn timber planks (at least that's what it looks like).Time to get this house looking ship shape.

We've also been rushing to and fro to visit our acquaintances, and made a few new friends. All in all it's been a pirates life for me...and not a bad one at that.

Captain Pirate Pickles

P.S. My peg leg is shaping up nicely, I'm down to a stately little hobble you'd hardly even notice. Just enough to keep my pirate friends jealous.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Peg Leg Pirate

I've made bearth at my new home port, so it's time for an update.

First up, floors! I love them. The concrete floor downstairs is soooo cool and smooth. I just love to lie like a frog and cool down. Upstairs is BRAND NEW CARPET! Oh how we played. I must confess I rubbed myself all over the carpet on my front and my back and my quite an unseemly fashion for a pirate captain!

Yesterday I visited the infirmary to have my peg leg checked out. My limp gives me a lot of pirate cred, but I'm glad to find it's not too serious. Dogtor Dee says it seems like a minor injury and I should heal up OK. 

Afterwards we went to the hardware store, but I couldn't find anything I liked. Some great timber for a new peg leg if I don't heal well though! With my mind at ease I settled down for a chill at the cafe. This is the holiday life.

Today we went out for a walk...and by walk I mean I got carried to the top of a nice hill to check out the view.

Just so ye know my pirate duties are not completely neglected, I'm still keeping watch. The silly double legers put up some kind of barrier to stop me seeing out, but I'm working around it.

Arhg, avast and lash down the mainsails till next time,


Thursday 25 December 2014

Shipping Out on the Midday Tide

Argh, shiver me doggy timers and ah...things like that. This be Pirate, writing to tell you about me...ah, my...spectacular holiday plans. Today I'm shipping out with a couple of land lubbers to have a shake at living independent like on a faraway shore.

It's a little intimidating to be making my first voyage without my mum; but my tiny mateys are fearless, and not at all scurvy! They assure me we're headed for a safe harbour with fair winds and fine sailing ahead.

I'll be writing again to keep you appraised on my progress, and to brag about all the treasure and adventures we'll find!

Hoping my message bottle drifts your way,
